More Memories from Bob Shepard's Military Days 1942 to 1945
Pvt. Shepard at Camp Barkley, Texas 1942
Shepard on KP duty at Camp Barkley
Returning from an ambulance run in the southwest pacific
Interior of surgical tent
Bob Shepard and Alvin Rolfs Phillippines 1943
Curtis Welch and Bob Shepard 2001.
Welch was a light truck driver and Shepard a medical technician in the 1st Field Hospital.
Certificate received for crossing the equator..
Mess card from Mount Vernon, the troop transport that
left Camp Stoneman, CA with the members of the 1st Field Hospital on July 23, 1942
New Guinea Natives 1943. The local people often worked for the Allies
Song book issued to troops
Nurse poses in front of sign that reads U.S. 40 on top and the SWPA Hiway on the bottom. .